- Far East Prisoners of War 87 words cc390-2W
- Departmental Expenditure Limits 629 words c392W
- Controlled Drugs 38 words c392W
- Myra Hindley 81 words c392W
- Police Visibility (Public Places) 88 words c392W
- Com (2000) 495 110 words cc392-4W
- Metropolitan Police 686 words c394W
- European Elections 76 words c394W
- EU Administrative Law 75 words cc394-5W
- Scarman Centre 272 words cc395-8W
- Young Offenders Institutions 1,266 words c398W
- Stasi (British Agents) 229 words cc398-9W
- Police (Lancashire) 200 words c399W
- Certificate of Identity 271 words cc399-400W
- Firearms 281 words c400W
- Asylum Seekers 154 words c400W
- Labour Conference, Brighton 88 words cc400-1W
- Travellers 115 words c401W
- Money Laundering 163 words c401W
- Banking Secrecy 101 words c401W
- Political Groups (Foreign Funding) 61 words cc401-2W
- Cannabis 40 words c402W
- Hinduja Family 102 words c402W
- Freemasons 75 words c402W
- Wheel Clamping 87 words cc402-3W
- Race Relations (Amendment) Bill 284 words c403W
- Duke of Buccleough 51 words c403W
- Stop and Search Powers 78 words c403W
- Oakington Reception Centre 86 words cc403-4W
- Criminal Certificates 215 words cc404-5W
- Criminal Offence Statistics 366 words c405W
- Railway Vandalism 48 words c405W
- Property Hot Spots 101 words