HC Deb 09 May 2000 vol 349 c330W
Mrs. Browning

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what representations he has received from(a) other Government Departments, (b) the Fire Service, (c) the Ambulance Service and (d) the Police concerning the Radio Replacement Scheme. [121336]

Mr. Charles Clarke

I have received various representations from police forces, the Association of Police Authorities, individual Police Authorities and other interested organisations in England and Wales about the Public Safety Radio Communications Project (PSRCP). The project represents an important part of our commitment to ensure that the police have access to the modern facilities they need to play their key part in tackling crime and disorder and improving community safety. Concern has been expressed about the cost of the project. I recognise those concerns. Over the three year period starting from the 1999–2000 financial year, the police service will receive an additional £1.24 billion in central Government funding. The annual charges for the PSRC Service will be reduced by the £50 million that I obtained from the Capital Modernisation Fund, specifically for the PSRCP. Consideration of the financial pressures on forces will also be taken into account in the overall level of resources to be provided to the police service in future years as part of the year 2000 Spending Review.

I have received, also, various representations from the fire services about future radio communications and control room requirements, including views on cost and on participation in the PSRC Service. All fire authorities in England and Wales are now required to undertake Best Value reviews of their communications requirements in 2000–01. I am making available to fire authorities this week the results of a consultancy study to assist consideration of their future control room needs. This strongly confirms the benefits of a joined-up approach in exploring technology to create new possibilities for improving cost-effectiveness and service delivery. This will be followed by guidance on take up of the PSRC Service.

The PSRC Service represents a positive approach to options to radio replacement programs within the Ambulance Services. The NHS Executive is reviewing this.