HL Deb 30 March 2000 vol 611 c96WA
Lord Lucas

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Baroness Hayman on 17 March (WA235), which test was used in the survey of 4,163 cattle; and (a) what were the results of this survey or (b) when will these results be made public [HL1616]

Baroness Hayman

Of the brains removed, a total of 3,951 were in a suitable condition for examination by all the tests that were to be applied. The results from the microscopic analysis of brain tissue showed that 18 cattle had signs of BSE infection and 3,933 were negative and showed no sign of infection. These results were put to the House on 16 July 1999. Subsequently, the Prionics western blot test has been used on all samples and this test has confirmed the initial findings. No additional positive brains were identified. Samples will also be examined using the DELFIA test. Testing by DELFIA, and consequential interpretation of the results, has been delayed by the need to have the test evaluated by the European Commission. However, all 18 of the positive brains identified so far are positive by DELFIA. Final interpretation of the data must await the completion of DELFIA testing and evaluation.