HC Deb 29 March 2000 vol 347 cc167-9W
Mr. Hood

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what was the outcome of the General Affairs Council held in Brussels on 20 and 21 March; and if he will make a statement. [115957]

Mr. Vaz

The General Affairs Council in Brussels on 20-21 March adopted the "A" points listed in document no. 6962/00 and noted resolutions, decisions and opinions of the European Parliament in its sessions of 2-3 February, 14-18 February and 1-2 March listed in documents nos. 5614/00, 6130/00 and 6490/00. Copies of these documents will be placed in the House Libraries as soon as they become available.

1. MEPs' Statute

The Presidency updated the GAC on its discussions with the European Parliament over a Statute for Members of the European Parliament.

2. Economic situation in Bulgaria and Romania

In line with a decision of the Helsinki European Council in December 1999, Enlargement Commissioner Gunter Verheugen reported to the GAC on economic developments in Bulgaria and Romania.

3. Mozambique

The GAC agreed that the member states and the European Community would continue actively to participate in the rehabilitation efforts in Mozambique and looked forward to making a positive contribution to the Donor Conference on 26-27 April in Rome.

4. EU-Africa Summit

The Presidency briefed partners on preparations for the Africa-Europe Summit (Cairo, 3-4 April).

5. Conflict in Africa

The GAC considered a discussion paper by the Council Secretariat Policy Planning and Early Warning Unit on the crisis in the Great Lakes region. They agreed to discuss it further at the April GAC if possible.

6. Freelance Interpreters

The GAC agreed that freelance interpreters should be taxed on the same basis as other employees of the EU institutions.

7. Council Formations

The GAC discussed Presidency proposals to reduce the number of Council formations to 16.

8. Lisbon European Council

The GAC discussed arrangements for the European Council on 23-24 March.

9. Inter-governmental Conference

The GAC held an exchange of views, focusing on vote re-weighting and the size and structure of the Commission after enlargement. Discussion will continue in the IGC Preparatory Group. The Presidency will report to the Feira European Council in June.

10. Defence/ESDP

The GAC discussed a draft Presidency report to the Lisbon European Council on follow-up to the Helsinki European Council report on strengthening the common European security and defence policy, including annexes on: elaboration of the head-line goal on military capabilities agreed at Helsinki; military bodies in the European Union; and the possible establishment of a committee for civilian crisis management.

11. UN Human Rights Commission—China

The GAC expressed its concern at the human rights situation in China and agreed to review the EU/China human rights dialogue to make it more focused and result-orientated. The GAC agreed to continue regularly to review its policy on human rights in China.

12. Russia

The GAC reiterated its deep concern over Russian actions in Chechnya, in particular continued reports of gross violation of human rights and international humanitarian law. It deplored the lack of Russian action to meet the EU's specific demands at the EU/Russia Summit on 3 March in Lisbon aimed at improving the international relief effort in Chechnya. The GAC called on Russia quickly to accede to the ICRC's request for free access to detainees in Chechnya. The GAC welcomed the Russian invitation to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the OSCE Chairman-in-Office to visit Chechnya in April. It also welcomed Russia's invitation to the OSCE to monitor the presidential elections on 26 March and expressed the hope that the elections would further contribute to the development of democratic and economic reforms in Russia.

13. Mexico

The GAC gave political agreement for the formal adoption of the EU/Mexico Free Trade Agreement in the margins of the European Council in Lisbon.

14. Western Balkans


The GAC adopted conclusions deploring the security situation in Mitrovica and Presevo. It condemned extremism from both sides and reminded political leaders in Kosovo that they would be held accountable for any further spread of violence. It called for Kosovo Serb participation in the Joint Interim Administration structures and for the proper preparation of elections. It recalled the massive resources allocated by the EU for assistance to Kosovo.

Former Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)

Following the recent extension of the visa ban list, the Council adopted a Regulation suspending the flight ban for six months, agreed to adopt revised financial sanctions before the end of the month. It condemned the harassment of the independent media and urged FRY democratic forces to intensify their efforts to build a unified front. It expressed its readiness to assist Montenegro and to consider the extension of the Kosovo reconstruction agency to Montenegro.


The GAC stressed the urgency of resolving the obstacles to freedom of navigation.


The GAC welcomed the road-map for Bosnia to help pave the way towards a feasibility study on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement. It stressed that the rate of progress will depend on the actions of the Bosnian authorities to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the SAA process.

Stability Pact

The GAC invited the Commission to present urgently a detailed proposal for the EU's contribution to the Stability Pact Regional Financing Conference at the end of March and stressed that EU support must be matched by credible and consistent reforms by the countries of the region.

European Community Monitoring Mission

The GAC underlined its wish for a restructured, flexible and streamlined European Community Monitoring Mission to support the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

15. East Timor

Ireland briefed partners on the Taoiseach's visit to East Timor on 9 March.