HL Deb 23 March 2000 vol 611 cc40-2WA
Earl Peel

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What changes they expect to make to the structure and location of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food's offices in the light of the recent review of the common agricultural policy administration in England, and [HL 1556]

What account they will take in any reorganisation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food's local structure of the proximity of offices to the farmers they serve. [HL 1557]

Baroness Hayman

The recent review of CAP scheme administration was commissioned to help us to identify the best way to improve the service we offer to farmers and traders eligible to claim CAP payments, taking full advantage of the benefits offered by modern technology.

We are now considering, in the context of the Spending Review 2000, how best to restructure MAFF's regional service centres and the Intervention Board Executive Agency. No decisions have yet been taken on future locations for CAP scheme processing. Any major restructuring will only be possible if funding can be made available.

My right honourable friend the Minister has made it clear that he will not implement the recommendations of the review unless he is satisfied that we will be able to deliver real improvements in the service which MAFF and the Intervention Board currently provide to farmers and traders, as well as reductions in the cost to the taxpayer of administration of CAP payments.

We are also taking forward plans to align MAFF's other regional activities, particularly on rural development, with the Government Offices for the Regions. This will ensure that we are able to work effectively with other regional partners, including the regional development agencies.