HL Deb 20 March 2000 vol 611 cc3-4WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether effective co-operation and co-ordination are taking place between the Department for International Development and appropriate non-governmental organisations to ensure maximum short, medium and long-term responses to the disaster in Mozambique; and whether consultations will take place between government and these non-governmental organisations on the most effective arrangements for responding to similar emergencies in future and in order to determine the international action, including monitoring, which the United Kingdom should advocate in relevant international institutions. [HL1421]

Baroness Amos

Co-operation and co-ordination between the Department for International Development and Mozambican and UK non-governmental organisations was in place prior to the disaster as part of the UK Government's longer term development assistance programme in Mozambique. These mechanisms have been enhanced during the disaster through formal meetings (this is a standard procedure adopted in the department in any emergency situation) in London and Maputo between DfID and NGO staff. A representative from the Disasters Emergency Committee participated in a recent DfID assessment mission to Mozambique.

Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What arrangements they are putting in place to ensure, within the priority of the Department for International Development for long-term development and elimination of poverty, interdepartmental co-operation for rapid and effective response on the scale necessary to humanitarian disasters and emergencies like that in Mozambique whatever and whenever they occur. [HL1419]

Baroness Amos

Humanitarian emergencies, whether caused by conflict or natural and man-made disasters, cause great suffering and loss of life and can destroy development advances and set back the prospects of progress for years to come. Providing assistance during times of instability and then assisting people to re-establish their lives is an essential humanitarian need and is a precondition for achieving the International Development Targets.

Inter-departmental arrangements are already in place for rapid and effective responses to overseas disasters. These are co-ordinated by the Department for International Development, which has established call-down arrangements with other government departments. These include the Home Office, with which we have an arrangement for the deployment of UK Fire Service Search and Rescue Teams and the Ministry of Defence, from which we are able to request, where appropriate, the deployment and utilisation of military assets. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and our diplomatic posts overseas provide useful early information in case of sudden disasters.

Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps they have taken to thank the aircrew and ground support staff who made possible the relief work in the Mozambique disaster before the global response began to be effectively mobilised. [HL1420]

Baroness Amos

Public recognition in Mozambique and worldwide has been given for the outstanding efforts of all who have been involved in all the humanitarian response to the disaster in Mozambique. Departmental Ministers have made clear to their staff the Government's pride in the contribution they have made.