HC Deb 20 March 2000 vol 346 c420W
Mr. Peter Ainsworth

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (1) if he will list those organisations which have received funding under the Pairing Scheme administered by Art and Business (formerly ABSA), together with the relevant amount in each case in(a) 1997-98, (b) 1998-99 and (c) 1999-2000; [114743]

(2) if he will list those organisations which agreed funding arrangements under the Arts Council Pairing Scheme administered by Art & Business (formerly ABSA) for schemes lasting more than (a) one year, (b) two years and (c) three years in (i) 1997–98, (ii) 1998–99, and (iii) 1999–2000, together with the planned funding agreed for each year. [114742]

Mr. Chris Smith

[holding answer 15 March 2000]: During the three years in question, Arts and Business agreed 1,890 Pairing Scheme awards totalling £12,080,157. These are summarised in the following table. A full list of awards has been included in a report prepared by Arts and Business, and I have arranged for a copy to be placed in the Libraries of the House.

Year Value of 'one-off' awards (i.e. awards not covered by a three-year contract Value of awards made as part of a three-year contract Total
1997–98 1,979,129 2,087,962 4,067,091
1998–99 1,294,082 2,677,812 3,971,894
1999–2000 2,047,554 1,993,618 4,041,172
Total 5,320,765 6,759,392 12,080,157


The Pairing Scheme did not make two-year awards