HC Deb 16 March 2000 vol 346 c314W
Mr. Ben Chapman

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a statement on his response to the Flood Defence Emergency Response Project, established by the Environment Agency. [115481]

Mr. Morley

The Flood Defence Emergency Response (FDER) Project was established by the Environment Agency as part of its response to the Easter 1998 floods. Membership of the Project Team comprised representatives of the Environment Agency, the Local Government Association, the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association and the Association of Inland Navigation Authorities, represented by British Waterways.

The Project's general remit was to review existing local arrangements for responding to and exercising major flooding emergencies; to make recommendations for improvement; and to define the roles of the organisations involved.

I have seen the FDER Project Report and the Project team is to be congratulated on its positive contribution in helping to bring about improvements to the arrangements for flood emergency response. It is important that its recommendations are implemented at local level by the organisations involved in emergency response. I am not, however, persuaded that it is appropriate to establish a standing National Joint Strategic Flood Group in the terms described.

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