HC Deb 08 March 2000 vol 345 cc705-6W
Mr. Menzies Campbell

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list(a) those targets of the Military Survey for 1998–99 which (i) were and (ii) were not achieved, giving the factors affecting the outcome in each case and (b) action taken by the agency to improve target achievement performance in 1999–2000; and if he will make a statement. [111764]

Dr. Moonie

This is a matter for the Chief Executive of the Military Survey Agency. I have asked the Chief Executive to write to the right hon. and learned Member.

Letter from P. R. Wildman to Mr. Menzies Campbell, dated 6 March 2000: I am replying to your Question to the Secretary of State for Defence about Key Target achievement for 1998–99 for the Military Survey Defence Agency, as this matter falls within my area of responsibility as Agency Chief Executive. As reported in the Agency's Annual Report and Account, Military Survey achieved five of the six Key Targets set by its owner for 1998–99. The sixth was achieved one month behind schedule. This delay was due to the need to complete higher priority work in support of operations. Full details of the Key Targets are attached at Annex A. The Agency monitors the performance of its Key Targets and detailed Business Plan Objectives via an electronic reporting spreadsheet, which is supplied to the Directors' Board each month. The Directors' Board Pack is supplemented with a printout containing details of all those objectives which contribute to overall performance together with commentary from the managers responsible. The introduction of these procedures has ensured that appropriate action is taken in a timely manner. I hope that you find this information helpful.

Those targets of the Military Survey for 1998–99 which were achieved

Key Target 1: To satisfy 100% of requirements for geographic support to current operations within the timescale agreed between the Agency and its customers. Outcome: Achieved

Key Target 3: To complete the agreed Annual Production Programme (APP) on the time and to cost. Outcome: Achieved

Key Target 4: To establish by March 1999 a process for measuring the degree of satisfaction the library service provides. Outcome: Achieved

Key Target 5: To maintain the required readiness state of the required Field Support elements of the Agency as required by the Department. Outcome: Achieved

Key Target 6: To achieve a 2.5% improvement in efficiency. Outcome: Achieved

Those targets of the military survey for 1998–99 which were not achieved

Key Target 2: To agree with the Joint Customer Group by March 1999, a process for measuring the degree of customer satisfaction with the service provided. Outcome: Achieved at the end of April 1999 Factors affecting the outcome: Publication of the paper defining the process for measuring customer satisfaction was delayed due to the need to complete higher priority work in support of operations. The paper was agreed at the end of April 1999—a delay of one month.