HC Deb 26 June 2000 vol 352 c404W
Mr. Gerald Howarth

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if the Government classifies diamonds originating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as diamonds from an area of conflict. [126754]

Mr. Hain

We believe that diamonds originating in DRC are being used by both sides to fund the war.

The UK has supported the establishment of a UN expert panel to follow up on reports and collect information on the exploitation of DRC's natural resources and the links to conflict within DRC. We look forward to the panel's recommendations to the Security Council.

We want to see a peaceful resolution of the conflict, and DRC's natural wealth used to benefit the people of DRC.

Mr. Gerald Howarth

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what action the Government plan to take in respect of British-registered companies trading in diamonds from conflict areas. [126784]

Mr. Hain

UN Security Council resolution 1173, adopted on 12 June 1998, requires all states to prohibit the import from Angola to their territories of all diamonds not controlled through the Angola Government's Certificate of Origin regime. The UK implements this requirement by means of an amendment to the Open General Import Licence. The UK has tabled a draft Security Council resolution which would impose a similar prohibition with respect to Sierra Leonean diamonds. The Government welcome the establishment of a UN expert panel which will investigate the links between exploitation of mineral resources and conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and will consider the panel's recommendations for action.

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