HC Deb 26 June 2000 vol 352 cc349-50W
_Mrs. Roe

To ask the hon. Member for Roxburgh and Berwickshire, representing the House of Commons Commission, if he will make a statement on the proposal to set up an Audit Committee for the Administrative Services Vote. [127789]

Mr. Kirkwood

Among the conclusions of the Braithwaite Review of Management Services which reported to the Commission in June 1999 was a recommendation (paragraphs 15.69 to 15.75 of the Braithwaite Report) that the House should establish an Audit Committee with the aim of improving the process of internal audit and review, and providing support to the Clerk of the House in his responsibilities as Accounting Officer.

As part of their continuing consideration of Braithwaite recommendations, on 15 May 2000 the House of Commons Commission formally constituted the Audit Committee, with the following terms of reference: to have general oversight of the work of internal audit and review, with particular emphasis on promoting economy, efficiency and effectiveness, on value-for-money studies, and on risk assessment and control assurance; to receive and consider reports from the Internal Review Service, together with management letters and other external audit material; to advise the Accounting Officer in the exercise of his responsibilities; to consider and recommend to the Accounting Officer the internal review programme; to encourage best financial practice, use of resources and governance in the House administration; and to report annually, the report to be published with the Commission's Annual Report.

The Commission also appointed members of the Committee, along the lines recommended in the Braithwaite Report, as follows:

Two Members of the Commission: The right hon. Member for North-West Hampshire (Sir G. Young) (Chairman) The hon. Member for Roxburgh and Berwickshire (Mr. Kirkwood)

The Clerk of the House: Mr. William McKay, CB

The Director of Finance and Administration: Mr. Andrew Walker

A member from outside the House: Sir Thomas Legg, KCB, QC, formerly Permanent Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department.

The Committee held its first meeting on 20 June. Its annual Report will be published with the Annual Report of the House of Commons Commission.