HC Deb 14 June 2000 vol 351 c628W
Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will direct that the relevant local authorities and regional assemblies be given the opportunity to be involved in all discussions between the National Asylum Support Service and the private agencies and landlords in the allocation of asylum seekers to different localities. [125278]

Mrs. Roche

The National Asylum Support Service (NASS) is fully committed to consulting the regional consortiums as part of the negotiation process in dispersing asylum seekers. We recognise the importance of local knowledge and expertise and NASS has an established consultation process for the procurement of accommodation. It would not be practicable to give individual local authorities and regional assemblies the opportunity to be involved in all discussions with private agencies and landlords. NASS must strike the right balance between the need to consult and the need, for example, to secure accommodation within reasonable timescales.

Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department to what extent the size of the local Islamic community and the availability of support workers in the education and social services departments and voluntary agencies is taken into account by the National Asylum Support Service in the allocation of asylum seekers to local authorities. [125279]

Mrs. Roche

Wherever possible we disperse asylum seekers to areas where there is an established community of the same language. We also take into account any other local factors brought to our attention during the consultation process with the local regional consortium. The voluntary agencies are establishing "one stop shops" where asylum seekers can receive help and advice.