HL Deb 13 June 2000 vol 613 cc191-2WA
Baroness Uddin

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When the Quinquennial Review of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils will take place and what the terms of reference for the review will be. [HL2833]

The Minister for Science, Department of Trade and Industry (Lord Sainsbury of Turville)

I am today launching the Quinquennial Review of the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils.

Reviews of Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) are an important part of our modernisation programme to modernise government. The Government are committed to achieving better public services that are of higher quality and are more responsive to the needs of the people who use them. Regular NDPB reviews are an important element in ensuring that we have in place the right structures to deliver the Government's agenda effectively and to provide a strong focus on improving future performance.

The terms of reference for the review of the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils are:

CCLRC was established in February 1995 and so it is due for review in the course of 2000.

The review of CCLRC will have two stages.

The first stage will examine the role, organisation and composition and funding mechanisms for CCLRC, by reference to its charter and mission, its past performance, recent CCLRC-instigated studies on future vision and funding, current best practice for NDPBs and contribution to the work of other Research Councils. All relevant options for the future of the Council will be considered, including abolition, continued NDPB status, rationalisation, privatisation or strategic contracting out.

The conduct of the second stage will be dependent on and informed by the outcome of the first. If the first stage confirms the continued operation of CCLRC in its present or another form, this stage will examine the opportunities for improving performance by reference to such issues as management structures, aims and objectives, performance targets and service standards, use of new technology, levels of delegated authority and effective accountability. In that event, the review will take account of evidence of work already undertaken to review and improve performance. Opportunties for expanding the present range of users of facilities and services and optimising the contribution of facilities and services to exploitable research will also be considered.

The review will be conducted in accordance with the latest Cabinet Office guidance (published on 31 January 2000) and will include consultation, either in person or in writing, with members of council, staff of the Executive and CCLRC's customers and key stakeholders.

The review team will report at intervals to a review board. It will be the task of the review board to respond flexibly to the reviewer's proposals during the progress of the review, each member contributing guidance and knowledge, including, where appropriate, the good offices of his or her department or organisation. The review board will ensure that Ministers, the Treasury, the Cabinet Office and the staff and customers of the CCLRC are kept informed of the progress of the review and will facilitate the gathering of information for the reviewer and his or her communication with staff and customers.

The review will be supported by officials in the Office of Science and Technology, with specialist advice as appropriate. The review board will be chaired by Sir Peter Williams and will include key stakeholder representatives. The aim will be to complete each stage of the review within a period of approximately three months, as recommended in the Cabinet Office guidance.

As indicated in the terms of reference, the Review Team is seeking the views of interested parties. A questionnaire is available from the CCLRC website (http.//www.clrc.ac.uk/qreview) or from:

  • CCLRC Quinquennial Review Team
  • Office of Science and Technology
  • Room G/5
  • Albany House
  • 94–98 Petty France
  • London SW1H 9ST
  • tel: 020 7271 2050
  • email: cclrc.qrteam@dti.gsi.gov.uk

Initial comments should be sent to the above address by 4 July 2000.