HC Deb 09 June 2000 vol 351 c428W
Mr. Gill

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, pursuant to his answer of 22 May 2000,Official Report, column 388W, on fisheries, if the Government intends to grant 1egal title to fishing quota transferred between fishermen. [124408]

Mr. Morley

Quotas are allocated to producer organisations and other groups in accordance with rules which are reviewed annually with the fishing industry. Since 1 January 1999 a system of fixed quota allocations, based on catches made during the reference period 1994 to 1996, has operated. The Fisheries Departments in the UK are currently discussing with industry representatives a number of possible modifications to the quota management rules, including arrangements for adjusting the fixed quota allocation units attached to fishing vessel licences to take account of transfers between fishermen. Any proposed changes affecting fixed quota allocations will be subject to further and full consultation with industry.