HC Deb 08 June 2000 vol 351 cc356-7W
Mr. Ben Chapman

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a statement on future testing in England for the cattle diseases enzootic bovine leukosis and brucellosis. [125582]

Ms Quin

We are issuing a consultation paper on proposed changes to the way cattle health testing for enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) and brucellosis is carried out in England. This is part of a GB wide initiative and is a direct result of our gaining of "officially EBL free" region status within the EU and the continued recognition of GB status as an "officially brucellosis free" region within the EU.

It is proposed to amend the EBL Order to take account of new reduced test frequencies. For dairy cattle these would reduce milk testing from three times a year to twice in every fifth year. For beef suckler herds these would reduce blood testing from once every second year to once every fourth year. The proposed reductions are in line with veterinary advice. We aim to have the new arrangements introduced by September this year and fully effective by April next year.

No changes are currently proposed for brucellosis testing. Test frequencies for brucellosis are currently subject to review but results are not expected before August. GB has had low or no incidence of brucellosis since 1993.

Since these proposals would require changes to the EBL Order we are also proposing to simplify publication of the list of laboratories approved to do milk testing and clarify the use of laboratory approval. We propose that these changes are also carried over into a remade Brucellosis Order and that both new orders take full account of devolution.

I am pleased that, in this consultation, we are able to recommend reducing monitoring for EBL in England now that we have "officially EBL free region" status for GB. This reduces costs and burdens for both industry and the public purse and is in line with EU requirements.