HL Deb 05 June 2000 vol 613 cc121-2WA
Lord Glentoran

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the list of organisations in Schedule 2 to the Terrorism Bill is compatible with the Government of the United States' List contained in the document Patterns of Global Terrorism; and [HL2594]

Whether they propose to include non-Irish organisations in Schedule 2 to the Terrorism Bill; and [HL2595]

What non-Irish terrorist groups they believe to be operating within the United Kingdom. [HL2596]

Lord Bassam of Brighton

Schedule 2 to the Terrorism Bill lists organisations which are currently proscribed under either the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1989 or the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1996. These organisations will remain proscribed when the Bill replaces those Acts.

The proscription powers in the 1989 and 1996 Acts can only be exercised against organisations concerned in terrorism connected with the affairs of Northern Ireland. Schedule 2 to the Terrorism Bill, as presently drafted, therefore includes only Northern Ireland-related terrorist organisations.

However, the Terrorism Bill provides for the first time a power to proscribe organisations concerned in other forms of terrorism. The Government are considering which organisations involved in international terrorism might be added to Schedule 2 once the Bill is in force. They are of course aware of the list in the United States document Patterns of Global Terrorism and will take account of all relevant information and intelligence before recommending to Parliament which international organisations might be added to Schedule 2.

Final decisions as to the contents of the first draft order adding international terrorist organisations to Schedule 2 will not be made until the power to make that order is in force. We will take full account of all the circumstances obtaining at that stage.

recognised as refugees but granted exceptional leave become eligible for settlement after four years. Further information on the years requested can be found in the Home Office Statistical Bulletins Asylum Statistics United Kingdom 1990–91, issue 12/92, and the same publication for 1998, issue 10/99, copies of which are available in the Library.

We do not disclose information on terrorist groups which may seek to operate in, or from, the United Kingdom.