HC Deb 26 July 2000 vol 354 c609W
Mr. Kidney

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1) how his Ten Year Transport Plan relates to the work of the West Midlands to North West multi-modal study; [132847]

(2) what impact the Ten Year Transport Plan will have on the proposal to widen the M6 motorway between junctions 11 and 16. [132846]

Mr. Hill

The Ten Year Transport Plan provides the resources to implement the outcomes from multi-modal studies. These studies exemplify our integrated approach to transport policy which we are applying to a series of transport problems around the country.

The West Midlands to North West multi-modal study is a good example. The aim of this study is to ensure that the M6 motorway retains its vital strategic role supporting the national economy. M6 Junction 11a-16 Widening and M6 Junction 16–19 Widening schemes were remitted for consideration in this study following the 1998 Roads Review. The study is also looking at the role that rail and public transport could play in easing the problems on the M6, and the scope for using new technologies, demand management techniques and giving priority to certain types of traffic to make better use of the existing infrastructure. The study will report in autumn 2001.

Mr. Kidney

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what action he proposes to take to relieve congestion on the M6 motorway between Junctions 6 and 10. [132848]

Mr. Hill

Over the next three years, the Highways Agency will be introducing Calmed Motorways measures on M6 Junctions 10–8 to regulate speed and reduce congestion and delays. The West Midlands Area Multi-Modal Study is looking at further measures to make best use of the M6 between Junctions 6–10 using speed and access control. The Birmingham Northern Relief Road will also provide a less congested alternative to the M6.