HL Deb 26 July 2000 vol 616 c56WA
Baroness Massey of Darwen

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the names of the diplomatic missions and international organisations in the United Kingdom which have outstanding balances of over £10,000 as at 4 April in respect of national non-domestic rates. [HL3566]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

Most diplomatic missions and international organisations in the United Kingdom meet their obligations and pay the national non-domestic rates requested from them. However, at 4 April 2000 the following missions owed over £10,000 in respect of national non-Domestic rates (NNDR):

Country Amount £
Algeria 37,025.01
Angola 19,855.30
Cameroon 23,849.51
Iran 84,348.90
Jordan 30,674.95
Senegal 10,927.33
Yemen 29,903.16
Total 236.584.16

Seven additional diplomatic missions who owe £10,000 or more in respect of national non-domestic rates and who have made arrangements with the Valuation Office Agency to clear outstanding debts or who are awaiting instructions from their governments have not been included in this list. The total amount outstanding from all missions, including these exceptions, is £1,074,469.