HC Deb 13 July 2000 vol 353 c637W
Mr. Tyler

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what costs have been incurred, in each of the most recent three years for which figures are available, in making payments for industrial injury benefits to those suffering organophosphate poisoning from sheep dips. [130400]

Mr. Bayley

The information is not available in the format requested.

The table shows the number of people in the last three years who were first diagnosed as having prescribed disease C3 (Poisoning by phosphorus or an inorganic compound of phosphorus or poisoning due to the anti-cholinesterase or pseudo anti-cholinesterase action of organic phosphorous compounds) which includes poisoning from sheep-dip.

Industrial injuries Disablement Benefit. Number of cases first diagnosed as having prescribed disease C3 1997–1998 to 1999–2000
Percentage assessment1
Period covered Total number Less than 14 per cent. 14 per cent. or more
April 1997–March 1998 3 1 2
April 1998–March 1999 4 0 4
April 1999–March 2000 4 2 2
1Benefit is payable for a 14 per cent. or more disablement assessment.


DSS Information Centre. Figures based on a clerical 100 per cent. count.