HC Deb 03 July 2000 vol 353 cc9-10W
Mr. Don Foster

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, pursuant to his answer to the hon.

1999–2000 (Outturn)
Population(1998 Census) Exchequer funding (£) Lottery draw-down (£)1 Total (£) Per capita expenditure (£)
England/Sport England 49,495,000 37,900,000 250,686,000 288,586,000 5.83
Scotland/Sport Scotland 5,120,000 10,100,000 25,645,000 35,745,000 6.98
Wales/Sports Council for Wales 2,933,000 6,799,000 14,677,000 21,476,000 7.32
Northern Ireland/Sports Council for Northern Ireland 1,689,000 2,380,000 10,323,000 12,703,000 7.52
UK Sport3 12,600,000 15,357,000 27,957,000
Football Licensing Authority 900,000 900,000
Total4 59,237,000 70,679,000 316,688,000 387,367,000 6.54

Member for Harrogate and Knaresborough (Mr. Willis), of 10 February 2000, Official Report, column 292W, on secondments, if he will give the names, grades and job titles of the staff seconded into his Department from each organisation mentioned, stating in each case the name of the section they were seconded to and a summary of the work that they were involved with. [128246]

Mr. Morley

[holding answer 29 June 2000]: Secondments and attachments are part of the Interchange Initiative, which promotes the exchange of people and good practice between the Civil Service and other organisations. Before an Interchange can occur all parties must be satisfied that no conflict of interest arises.

Further to my earlier reply to the hon. Member for Harrogate and Knaresborough (Mr. Willis), the secondee from the Royal Bank of Scotland worked in the Finance Unit at the Central Science Laboratory in York on the production of a report on operating procedures for contracts. The secondee from Manor Bakeries undertook a programme of visits within the Department.