HL Deb 03 July 2000 vol 614 c117WA
The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they have taken through international channels to promote the cause of 580 Kuwaiti and other civilians and prisoners of war still held in Iraq against international conventions; and [HL2982]

What progress has been made by the International Committee of the Red Cross to assist the families of Kuwaiti and other civilians and prisoners in Iraq to make contact with the authorities and to urge their release. [HL2983]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

Her Majesty's Government continue to play a leading role in the Tripartite Commission process, which, under the chairmanship of the International Committee of the Red Cross, works to resolve the cases of the 600 or more Kuwaitis missing since the Gulf War. We regret that Iraq has refused to attend the meetings of the commission and its Technical Sub-Committee since January 1999, thereby hindering further progress. It is appalling that to date Iraq has provided information sufficient to close only three of the case files. We continue to work with the ICRC and other commission members to overcome these obstacles, and sent a delegation to consultations in Geneva on 21 June for this purpose. We also support the work of Yuli Vorontsov, appointed under UNSCR 1284 (a UK initiative) as co-ordinator for this and other Kuwaiti issues. My honourable friend the Minister of State, Peter Hain, discussed with Mr Vorontsov last week his efforts to secure renewed Iraqi engagement.