HC Deb 31 January 2000 vol 343 cc405-6W
Mr. Bob Russell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will produce a planning guidance note to establish what constitutes(a) brownfield and (b) greenfield sites in respect of a land disposal involving a combination of buildings and used ground and playing fields and undeveloped ground. [107154]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Our draft revision of the planning policy guidance on housing (PPG3), published in March 1999, contains a definition for the purposes of development. The final version of PPG3 will be published shortly. Guidance on the disposal of open space with recreational value is set out in PPG 17 on Sport and Recreation.

Mr. Bob Russell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what plans he has to review current legislation on development on playing fields. [107171]

Ms Beverley Hughes

None. Planning Policy Guidance note 17 "Sport and Recreation" already emphasises the special significance of playing fields and that they should normally be protected. The Town and Country Planning (Playing Fields) (England) Direction 1998 requires referral to the Secretary of State of planning applications for development of local authority-owned playing fields or those currently, or in the previous five years, in educational use, where Sport England has objected but the local planning authority is minded to grant permission. The Secretary of State then has the opportunity to call in the application for his own determination.

Mr. Bob Russell

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will ensure that playing fields and green spaces in urban areas are not designated as brownfield sites for the purpose of housing and other development proposals. [107170]

Ms Beverley Hughes

Planning Policy Guidance note 17 "Sport and Recreation" emphasises the special significance of playing fields and that they should normally be protected. Forthcoming Planning Policy Guidance note 3 "Housing" will emphasise that local planning authorities should have clear policies for the protection of open spaces and playing fields.