HL Deb 27 January 2000 vol 608 c207WA
Lord Hardy of Wath

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which European Union member states have been recorded as taking greater catches of fish than have been agreed; and which species have been over-fished. [HL566]

Baroness Hayman

According to final catch data for 1998 made available to member states by the Commission, nine member states (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and, United Kingdom) overfished one or more quota stocks for which they had a national allocation. These overfishes may not have resulted in an overfish of the EU Total Allowable Catch.

The stocks for which the EU Total Allowable Catch was exceeded are as follows:

Species Area
Cod IIId—Russian Federation waters Norwegian waters of the North Sea (South of 62 degrees N)
Herring IIIa—Skagerrak and Kattegat IIId—Polish waters
Mackerel Norwegian waters of the North Sea (South of 62 degrees N), Faroese waters of ICES Vb IIa (EC zone), IIIa Skaggerak and Kattegat, IIIb, c, d (EC zone). North Sea
Nephrops IIIa Skagerrak and Kattegat, IIIb, c, d (EC zone)
Plaice VIId, e
Saithe Norwegian waters of the North Sea (South of 62 degrees N), IIa (EC zone), IIIa Skagerrak and Kattegat, IIIb, c, d (EC zone). North Sea
Sprats IIa (EC zone). North Sea (EC zone)
Blue Whiting Vb (EC zone), VI. VII

Final catch data for 1999 are not yet available.