HC Deb 17 January 2000 vol 342 cc325-7W
Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps have been taken by British diplomatic representatives at the United Nations towards developing a strategy for peace in Chechnya. [104909]

Mr. Vaz

British diplomatic representatives at the UN have contributed to informal consultations of Security Council members on Chechnya, particularly the humanitarian aspects. Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council, has blocked any formal discussion or action on Chechnya.

Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent representations he has made to the Russian Government concerning their bombing campaign in Chechnya. [104903]

Mr. Vaz

We have repeatedly raised with the Russians our concerns about their bombing campaign in Chechnya. Most recently the Prime Minister raised this with Mr. Putin when they spoke on 20 December and my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary discussed it during telephone calls with Foreign Minister Ivanov on 31 December and 11 January.

Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what sources of information he has on the effect of the Russian bombardment of Chechnya. [105025]

Mr. Vaz

Independent reliable sources of information on the effect of Russian actions in Chechnya are scarce. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office uses a wide range of material to assess the situation. This comes from diplomatic, media, NGO and other sources.

Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will publish recent representations he has received concerning Government policy toward Russian action in Chechnya; and if he will make a statement. [104907]

Mr. Vaz

We have received representations on Russian actions in Chechnya from a wide number of sources including many letters from the public, from NGOs and from Members of both Houses.

It would be impractical to publish all of these, but the issues raised were well covered in the debates that have taken place in both Houses.

My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary has made statements in the past on the Government's position on Chechnya, most recently on 7 December, and will continue to do so.

Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what NATO observation has taken place of the hostilities in Chechnya. [104910]

Mr. Vaz

There is no direct NATO involvement in Chechnya. But NATO regularly assesses the situation there and frequent discussions take place among member states in the North Atlantic Council.

Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what meetings have been held by(a) Diplomatic Service officials and (b) Ministers with elected representatives of the Chechen people since the commencement of hostilities in Chechnya; and which Chechen representatives were involved. [104904]

Mr. Vaz

I have not met Chechen representatives. FCO officials had a meeting with two Chechen parliamentarians, Mr. Idigov and Mr. Magomedov, on 15 December to hear their views on the situation in Chechnya.