HL Deb 29 February 2000 vol 610 c57WA
Lord Lucas

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list, for each outbreak of E.coli 0157 in the last 10 years the origin of which has been traced to a particular farm:

  1. (a) the food product or other vector involved;
  2. (b) the size of the farm; and
  3. (c) whether the farm employed organic methods of food production. [HL1111]

Baroness Hayman

There were 24 outbreaks ofE.coli 0157 poisoning traced to farms between 1991 and 1999. Of these, 12 were associated with animal contact, 11 with the consumption of dairy products, and one with environmental exposure. It has not been possible to provide the further information requested from the records of these outbreaks in the time available. I will write to the noble Lord on this matter as soon as possible.