HC Deb 14 February 2000 vol 344 cc447-8W
Dr. Starkey

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what action Her Majesty's Customs and Excise is taking to monitor products imported from Israel into Britain to ensure full compliance with (a) Article 38 and (b) other Articles of the Origin Rules Protocol of the EC Trade Agreement with Israel; [109543]

(2) what investigations Her Majesty's Customs and Excise has conducted and what conclusions it has reached concerning products wholly or substantially processed in Israeli settlements in occupied territories which have been imported into the Community under the EC Trade Agreement with Israel in violation of (a) Article 38 and (b) other Articles of that Agreement's Origin Rules Protocol. [109541]

Dawn Primarolo

Following receipt of information indicating that products wholly or substantially processed in Israeli settlements in occupied territories may have been imported into the United Kingdom in violation of both Article 38 and the provisions of the Protocol on Rules of Origin of the EC Trade Agreement with Israel, Customs and Excise has examined a number of documents presented in the past in support of products entered for customs clearance as of Israeli origin. Scrutiny of those documents has failed to substantiate the alleged non-compliance with the provisions of the Agreement. Customs and Excise is considering further options for checking the validity of such declarations.

Worked Ivory seizures 1998 (UK)
Item Number of items Country of export Country of origin Commercial or private
Ivory and wood trinket box. 1 India India Private
Ivory artefacts 2 India Private
Carved ivory 1 Private
Carved ivory 7 Private
Ivory egg 1 South Africa Private
Carved ivory 1 Thailand Private
Ivory pipes and cigarette holders 20 Thailand Commercial
Ivory jewellery 10 Ghana Private
Ivory carvings 3 Private
Items of ivory jewellery 7 Holland Private
Ivory sculpture 1 Commercial
Ivory statues 3 Australia Private
Ivory pieces 66 Zambia Commercial
Elephant ivory 87 Hong Kong Commercial

Dr. Starkey

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what action Her Majesty's Customs and Excise is taking on violation by Israel of the Origin Rules Protocol of the EC Trade Agreement with Israel in respect of imports to Britain. [109542]

Dawn Primarolo

Customs and Excise is participating in a European Commission initiative to establish the true origin of goods which have been exported to the United Kingdom under the provisions of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade related matters between the European Community and the State of Israel.