HC Deb 11 February 2000 vol 344 cc340-1W
Mr. Hilary Benn

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how much funding was allocated to Leeds Local Education Authority in the financial years 1996–97 to 1999–2000 for (a) reduction in infant class sizes, for revenue and capital costs, (b) national grid for learning, (c) literacy, (d) numeracy, (e) books for schools, (f) truancy and behaviour measures, (g) school security, (h) improving school effectiveness, (i) excellence

1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–100
Infant class size—capital n/a n/a 235,000 725,000
Infant class size—revenue n/a n/a 500,000 1,369,000
National grid for learning1 n/a n/a 1,700,000 1,350,000
Literacy1,3 n/a 210,000 767,842 789,389
Numeracy 1,4 n/a n/a 16,600 750,990
Other literacy and numeracy1,5 n/a n/a 307,906 712,356
Books for schools1 n/a 301,144 332,983 665,965
Truancy and Behaviour1 106,000 506,200 604,500 946,025
School security1 n/a 300,500 300,783 305,986
School effectiveness1,6 1,978,500 1,932,000 2,158,116 3,282,818
Excellence in cities7 n/a n/a n/a 2,036,852
New deal for schools8 n/a 1,402,000 1,909,000 4,112,000
Voluntary aided capital 163,000 376,000 315,000 1,089,000
Energy efficiency n/a n/a 220,000 n/a
Education SSA9 252,509,000 263,321,000 278,662,000 292,441,000
Music1 n/a n/a n/a 245,000
1 GEST/Standard fund includes both central and local government contributions. 1990–2000 allocations not yet final.
2 Allocated through a programme account, not GEST.
3 Literacy includes the summer school and key stage 3 intervention programmes.
4 Numeracy includes the summer school programme.
5 Other literacy and numeracy includes year 6 booster classes and playing for success. Expenditure on each subject is for local decision and therefore it can not be disaggregated.
6 School effectiveness grant became school improvement grant from 1999–2000.
7 Excellence in cities funding is broken down into £47,630 start up costs, £1,363,727 learning mentors and learning support units and £625,495 for gifted and talented children (excludes other national programmes such as beacon and specialist schools).
8 The new deal capital figures represent the LEA's total allocation announced in each year—in some cases, these may be spent over several years.
9 To aid comparability, the education SSA figure for 1997–98 has had nursery voucher funding added. The SSA figure excluding nursery voucher funding was £254 million