HC Deb 20 December 2000 vol 360 cc239-40W
Mr. Dismore

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what steps are being made to ensure that the Department of Social Security and Court Service websites give details of how to obtain the quarterly volumes of reported Commissioners' decisions. [143623]

Jane Kennedy

The Department of Social Security's website page provides details of how the quarterly volumes of reported Commissioners' decisions can be obtained. The revised Court Service website will provide this information and will be in place by mid January 2001. The two sites will be linked to ensure maximum coverage.

Mr. Dismore

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what arrangements have been made to publicise the availability of the quarterly volumes of reported social security Commissioners' decisions in loose-leaf format to(a) advice agencies, (b) law centres, (c) social security practitioners in legal aid firms and (d) law libraries. [143622]

Jane Kennedy

The Department of Social Security wrote to the following agencies to publicise the publication of quarterly volumes:

  • The Law Centre Federation (London and Manchester)
  • Dial UK
  • MIND (Mental Health Charity)
  • The Law Society
  • CPAG (Child Poverty Action Group)
  • Age Concern
  • RADAR (Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation)
  • NACAB (National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux)
  • DISS
  • LASA (London Advice Service Alliance)
  • RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind)
  • Women's Aid
  • RNID (Royal National Institute for the Deaf).

In January 2001, the Office of the Social Security and Child Support Commissioners will send a notice to publicise the availability of this information to those agencies, centres, practitioners, libraries, etc., mentioned and its other users.

Mr. Dismore

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department where claimants and their advisers can obtain the quarterly loose-leaf binders of reported commissioners' decisions; and how much each volume will cost. [143621]

Jane Kennedy

The binders, containing two years decisions, can be obtained from:

  • Print Solutions
  • Room B0202
  • Benton Park Road
  • Longbenton
  • Newcastle upon Tyne
  • NE98 1YX
  • Tel: 0191 225 5422
  • Fax: 0191 225 7179

The cost of each binder, containing two years' decisions, is £15.00.

Decisions can be viewed and obtained from the Department of Social Security internet site (Commissioners Decisions) at www.dss.gov.uk/advisers/index.htm. This site also includes details of how to purchase the decisions in loose-leaf format from Print Solutions.

Mr. Dismore

To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department when the Lord Chancellor's Department will update the Court Service website information concerning the Social Security and Child Support Commissioners to reflect changes in procedure and time limits since 1 June 1999. [143620]

Jane Kennedy

We have reviewed all the information on the Court Service website concerning the Social Security and Child Support Commissioners. The website will be updated to reflect the changes mentioned and other changes by the middle of January 2001.