§ Lord Tomlinsonasked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether they will report on the level of co-operation that exists between the UK, other EU member states and third countries on fisheries control and enforcement. [HL139]
§ The Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Baroness Hayman)There is extensive co-operation between enforcement authorities in the UK and those of other member states and third countries. Such co-operation is important to ensure the effective application of measures designed to conserve fish stocks. Examples of co-operation involving enforcement authorities in the UK over the last 12 months include:
- exchanging and sharing intelligence on enforcement activity;
- bilateral meetings with Irish and Norwegian authorities;
- joint enforcement operations with the Netherlands in the North Sea;
- participation of inspectors from other member states and Norway in UK enforcement training courses;
- participation in the International Conference on Monitoring, Control and Surveillance organised by the European Commission in Brussels;
- enforcement operations in waters covered by the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission;
WA 24- the development of an operational protocol on satellite monitoring with France, Spain, Belgium and Ireland. Similar operational protocols are also being developed with other countries.