HL Deb 19 April 2000 vol 612 c114WA
Lord Dholakia

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What provisions for ethnic monitoring are currently in place for the new youth justice measures contained in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999;and [HL1997]

What provisions for ethnic monitoring are in place for anti-social behaviour orders, child safety orders, parenting orders and local child curfews; and [HL1998]

Whether there are any results yet available from ethnic monitoring of (a) anti-social behaviour orders; and (b) the new youth justice measures in the youth offending team pilot areas; if so, when will these be published; and in what form. [HL1999]

Lord Bach

Pilots of the final warning scheme, reparation order, action plan order, child safety order and parenting order under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 ran from 30 September 1998 to 31 March 2000. Monitoring information on the ethnicity of those dealt with under these new measures has been collected and will be contained in the final evaluation report on the pilots which we expect to publish in the summer. The ethnicity of those receiving referral orders under the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 will be considered as part of the pilots of that measure which begin in the summer.

There are currently no central arrangements for monitoring the use of anti-social behaviour orders under the 1998 Act but such arrangements are under consideration. There are currently no local child curfew schemes in place under the 1998 Act.

Lord Dholakia

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What provisions the Youth Justice Board has made for regular review and action upon the results of ethnic monitoring of the youth justice system; and whether this information will be included in its annual report. [HL2000]

Lord Bach

Over the coming year the Youth Justice Board will be working with local youth offending teams on ethnic monitoring of the operation of the youth justice system. This will enable the Board to report on the ethnicity of the staffing of youth offending teams, on racially aggravated offending committed by young people and on the treatment of young people from ethnic minorities within the youth justice system. The Board will also be working to identify and promote good practice in collating and using ethnic monitoring data within the youth justice system. It plans to publish during the summer guidance to help youth offending teams address race equality issues effectively. Progress with this work will be reflected in the Board's annual report.