HL Deb 10 April 2000 vol 612 c20WA
Lord Hogg of Cumbernauld

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What plans exist to upgrade the A44 in Herefordshire and Worcestershire; and when these are likely to be implemented. [HL1799]

Lord Whitty

The A44 is not a trunk road and as such is not the responsibility of the Secretary of State but of the local highway authority/ies, in this case Herefordshire Council and Worcestershire County Council. The two authorities were awarded £3.472 million and £4.861 million respectively in the local transport plan settlement for 2000–01, and it is for those authorities to decide within those sums how they wish to allocate resources for transport improvements within their respective areas. Neither authority submitted proposals for major improvement schemes to the A44.