HC Deb 25 October 1999 vol 336 c748W
Dr. Julian Lewis

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what progress has been made in achieving single-sex wards in psychiatric units to the extent that there are no male patients anywhere in women-only wards; [94355]

(2) if all new psychiatric in-patient units are being constructed on the basis of the segregation of the sexes. [94356]

Mr. Hutton

The National Health Service Executive has a clear objective to work towards the elimination of mixed sex accommodation in 95 per cent. of health authority areas by the year 2002. The NHS Executive has set three national objectivesto ensure that appropriate organisational arrangements are in place to secure good standards of privacy and dignity; to fully achieve the current Patient's Charter standard for segregated washing and toilet facilities across the NHS; to provide safe facilities for patients in hospital who are mentally ill, which safeguards their privacy and dignity.

For the third objective, the latest progress report indicates that 56 per cent. of health authorities expect to achieve this by the end of 1999. 97 per cent. of health authorities expect to meet it by 2002.

We will shortly publish new guidance for mental health units to reinforce earlier guidance designed to ensure the privacy, safety and dignity of patients. This guidance will also help to ensure that new NHS buildings will be constructed on the basis of having segregated accommodation for male and female patients.

Dr. Julian Lewis

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will define single-sex wards in relation to(a) sleeping, (b) washing, (c) eating and (d) socialising facilities. [94357]

Mr. Denham

Single-sex accommodation in hospitals is defined by compliance with the Government's national objectives to secure good standards of privacy and dignity for patients, to ensure that washing and toilet facilities are segregated and to provide safe facilities for the mentally ill.