HL Deb 18 November 1999 vol 607 c1WA
Lord Davies of Coity

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What plans they have for the future of police training in England and Wales. [HL23]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office (Lord Bassam of Brighton)

A consultation document on proposals for new arrangements for the structure and delivery of police training in England and Wales has been published today. Copies are available in the Library. Copies are also being sent to police forces, police authorities, police staff associations and other interested parties. They have been invited to comment by 7 January 2000.

The consultation period reflects the discussion and debate we have had during the extensive examination of police training in recent months. There has been an inquiry by the Home Affairs Committee, a thematic inspection of training by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary, a report by Sir William Stubbs and Roger McClure of the London Institute and two reports by the Police Federation. I am grateful to all those who have carried out these surveys and to all those who contributed their time and views during their preparation.

The consultation paper published today is firmly based on these studies. The paper describes the changes which the Government believe will deliver real improvements. There are numerous examples of good practice and indeed excellence under present arrangements and the proposals will build on those. The proposals, however, also represent an opportunity for a fresh start in police training. The Government believe that the police service and all the stakeholders in police training in England and Wales are ready to take action in this important area.

The proposed new arrangements will enable the police service to benefit from new developments in education and training and in information and communications technology to achieve professional excellence.

The proposals published today provide an unprecedented opportunity to raise standards in police training across the board, to provide relevant profession-long training and development for all staff and to translate effective training into real outcomes.