HL Deb 10 November 1999 vol 606 cc161-2WA
The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the owner or manager of an abattoir or cutting plant may ask to inspect the documents of appointment of an official veterinary surgeon to ascertain whether he has been appointed as authorised officer to the Minister for those premises; and whether, in the event that documentary evidence cannot be produced, the official veterinary surgeon has the right to demand entry or the owner or the manager the right to refuse it. [HL4627]

Baroness Hayman

Yes. Owners or managers of abattoirs and cutting plants may ask to inspect the documents of appointment of an official veterinary surgeon (OVS) to ascertain whether they have been appointed as the authorised officer to licensed premises. Without the necessary documentation an OVS does not have the right to demand entry to a premises and a manager or owner would have the right to refuse it.

The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether all official veterinary surgeons employed as quality managers by Messrs Eville and Jones have been formally appointed as authorised officers to the Minister for all the premises in which official veterinary surgeons, to whom the quality managers are line managers, are employed. [HL4628]

Baroness Hayman

All quality managers employed by Messrs Eville and Jones are designated official veterinary surgeons (OVS) who hold warrants of authorisation appointing them as authorised officers to licensed premises generally. As such they are appointed as authorised officers to those premises at which OVSs for which they have line management responsibilities are deployed.