HL Deb 01 November 1999 vol 606 cc67-8WA
Lord Shepherd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What military equipment they have exported for the use of the international civil and security presences in Kosovo since 26th July. [HL4418]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

UN Security Council Resolution 1160 imposed an arms embargo against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). The only exception to this embargo is that in UNSCR 1244, which provides that prohibitions imposed by UNSCR 1160 shall not apply to the sale or supply of arms and related material for the use of the international civil and security presences in Kosovo. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (United Nations Sanctions) Order 1998 sets out the licensing requirements in relation to this embargo.

Since 26 July 1999, the Government have licensed the export of the following equipment on the Military List to organisations involved in demining activities in Kosovo on behalf of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The United Nations FRY Sanctions Committee has approved the export of all of these goods.

  • 60 helmet and visor assemblies
  • 60 mine search jackets
  • 4 de-armers/disruptors
  • 2 rocket wrench
  • 2 box of 66, 05 cartridges for dearmers/disruptors
  • 20 RBR fragmentation vests
  • 5 high energy mini shrikes (used for mine destruction)
  • 10 LBA armoured protective helmets
  • 50 RBR warrior helmets
  • 50 protective vests
  • 35 protective trousers
  • 50 spare advanced fragmentation visors
  • 12 Beethoven Mk 19 exploders.

The Government have also licensed the export of the following equipment on the Military List to the international KFOR contingent in Kosovo.

  • demining explosives
  • 4 armoured Land Rover 110s.

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