HC Deb 21 May 1999 vol 331 c476W
Mr. Ben Chapman

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what response he plans to make to the conclusion of the FEFC Inspection report of Wirral Metropolitan College that the Remuneration Committee had not complied with its terms of reference when it recommended the early retirement package for the outgoing Principal. [84540]

Mr. Mudie

The terms of reference of the remuneration committee of Wirral Metropolitan College seek to ensure that rewards are commensurate with performance. The package for the Principal was agreed in January 1999. In March 1999 the Governors were informed that the FEFC inspection of the college had concluded that there were significant weaknesses in the management of the college. The inspectors considered that the Governors should have been aware of those weaknesses at the time of considering the early retirement of the Principal. The FEFC has been asked by the Department to remind all colleges that, in considering any compensation for early retirement of senior staff, Governors should take into account the performance of the individual concerned.