HL Deb 19 May 1999 vol 601 cc31-2WA
Lord Lamont of Lerwick

asked the Leader of the House:

Further to her intervention in a question from Lord Lamont of Lerwick on 21 April (H.L. Deb., cols. 1161–4) concerning the application of the sub judice rule to the case of General Pinochet, whether she will reconsider her statement that the Home Secretary's decision on authority to proceed with extradition proceedings was sub judice at that time. [HL2499]

The Lord Privy Seal (Baroness Jay of Paddington)

The Home Secretary's decision on authority to proceed with extradition proceedings was not, on the date of the exchange to which the noble Lord refers,sub judice. The guidance I gave to the House was that the case of Senator Pinochet itself remained sub judice but that it was in order for Members to raise "matters relating to Senator Pinochet not affecting the issues to be determined by the courts, including the Home Secretary's role in the proceedings."

Lord Lamont of Lerwick

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the reply by Lord Burlison on 4 May (WA 72–73) to Written Question HL2135 tabled by Lord Lamont of Lerwick means that the Secretary of State is entitled to consider whether there is evidence sufficient to warrant the trial of Senator Pinochet in making any future decisions on this matter. [HL2426]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office (Lord Williams of Mostyn)

There is no restriction on the matters that Senator Pinochet can include in any representations that he may wish to make to the Secretary of State following a committal by the Bow Street Magistrate. It is a matter for the Senator whether he wishes to advance any representations at that time relating to whether there is evidence sufficient to warrant his trial. The Secretary of State is under a statutory duty to consider any such representations.

Lord Lamont of Lerwick

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the Archbishop of Canterbury has made any formal or informal verbal or written representations, either to the Prime Minister or to any other government Minister, at any time about the effects of the detention of Senator Pinochet in this country on the prospects for reconciliation in Chile. [HL2427]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

We are not aware of any representations made by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Prime Minister or to any other government Minister about the effects of the detention of Senator Pinochet in this country on the prospects for reconciliation in Chile.

Lord Lamont of Lerwick

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the United States Government has made any representations to them at any level and at any time about the arrest of Senator Pinochet in the United Kingdom. [HL2428]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

The US Secretary of State discussed the implications of Senator Pinochet's arrest with my right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary (Mr. Cook) on 21 November and 8 December 1998. We are not aware of any representations from the United States Government about the arrest of Senator Pinochet in the United Kingdom.