HC Deb 31 March 1999 vol 328 cc776-9W
Mr. Maclean

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what(a) reviews, (b) task forces and (c) advisory groups have been established by his Department since 1 May 1997; what costs they have incurred to date; and what reports they have published. [71514]

Mr. Dewar

[holding answer 22 February 1999]: Details of reviews, task forces and advisory groups established since 1 May 1997 and of the reports they have

Title Costs incurred(£) Report published
(a) Reviews
Review Countryside Access Legislation in Scotland Access to the Countryside for Open Air Recreation (December 1998)
Review into the System of Land Ownership and Management in Scotland 51,400 Recommendations for action (January 1999)
Review of EA and SEPA Environmental Legislation (with DETR)
Review of National Air Quality Strategy (with DETR) Review of the National Air Quality Strategy Consultation Document (January 1999)
Review of Protection Orders made under the Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976
Review of Rural Water and Sewerage Grant Scheme 8,400
Review of SSSIs in Scotland 8,500
Review of the Scottish Water Industry 6,800
Review to Identify Areas of Scotland Appropriate for Designation as National Parks National Parks for Scotland (January 1999)
Strategic Study of Organic Wastes to Land Strategic Review of Organic Waste Spread on Land (October 1998)
Planning Policy Review on Opencast Coal in Scotland 700
Review of Skye Bridge Tolls 77,200
Review of the Law and Practice of Compulsory Purchase and Land Compensation 31,200 Inception report (January 1999); Interim report (February 1999)
Review of the Scottish Roads Programme 241,000
Review of Transport Policy in Scotland 20,200 Travel Choices for Scotland—White Paper (July 1998)
Scottish Homes' Support for Owner Occupation 4,000
Scottish Enterprise Strategy Review
Scottish Homes' Support for Social Rented Housing 15,000
Committee on Review of Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984
HIV Health Promotion Review Group
National Review of Health Resource Allocation 23,500
Review of the Public Health Function 5,900
Review of Public Health Legislation
A Review of Aspects of Gaelic Broadcasting 7,000 A Review of Aspects of Gaelic Broadcasting (May 1998)
Review of Community Education 14,650 Communities Change Through Learning (November 1998)
Review of Community Disposals and the use of Custody for Women Offenders in Scotland 16,800 A Safer Way, A Review of Community Disposals and the use of Custody for Women Offenders in Scotland (May 1998)
Lord MacLean's Committee on Serious Offenders
Review of the Student Awards Agency for Scotland
Review of Arrangements for the Supervision of Sex Offenders in Scotland 20,000 A Commitment to Protect: Review of the Arrangements for the Supervision of Sex Offenders in Scotland (December 1997)
Review of Domestic Violence 650
Scottish Interdepartmental Review of the Treatment of Vulnerable and Intimidated Witnesses 600 Towards a Just Conclusion (November 1998)
Review of the Processing of Cases in the Children's Hearings System 25,000 Just in Time (March 1999)
Learning Disability Review 50,000
(b) Task forces
Task Force to Follow the Outcome of the Review of Protection Orders made under the Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976 800 Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976. Review of the arrangements for Protection Orders (December 1998)
Joint COSLA/Scottish Office Best Value Task Force Best Value Task Force Report (July 1997); Best Value Task Force Second Report (July 1998)
Joint COSLA/Working Group on Council Tax Collection 200
Coronary Heart Disease Task Force 2,000
Action Group on Standards in Scottish School 3,150
Borders Working Party 1,700 Rebuilding the Borders Economy Interim Report (December 1998); Rebuilding the Borders Economy Final Report (March 1999)
Prestwich Task Force 2,150 Reaching the Full Potential Interim Report (September 1997); Prestwick—A Leading Edge Location Final Report (December 1998)
Scottish Advisory Task Force on the New Deal 6,400

published follow. Where the information is readily available, approximate costs incurred on matters such as members' expenses, publication of reports and consultation exercises are shown. Staff costs are not included as these are subsumed within the Department's running costs.

Title Costs incurred (£) Report published
(c) Advisory groups
Air Quality Forum
A Comprehensive Review of the Food-Related Scientific Services in Scotland 26,000 Review of Food-Related Scientific Services in Scotland (October 1998)
National Goose Forum 10,850
Review of Scotland's Bathing Waters
Commission on Local Government and the Scottish Parliament 163,200
National Transport Forum for Scotland 2,900
New Housing Partnerships Advisory Group 3,500
Scottish Social Inclusion Network 1,150 Social Inclusion Strategy—Opening the door to a better Scotland (March 1999)
Social Inclusion Partnerships Advisory Group Report of the Social Inclusion Partnerships Advisory Group's Consideration of Expressions of Interest (November 1998); Report of the Social Inclusion Partnerships Advisory Group's Consideration of Full Social Inclusion Partnership Bids (March 1999)
Acute Services Group 700
Health Targets Working Group
Scottish Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee
Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service Users Group
Waiting List Support Force 23,700
Scottish Cancer Group 2,700 Cancer Genetics Services in Scotland (November 1998)
Scottish Childcare Board 2,650
Inter-Agency Forum on Women's Offending 350
Lady Cosgrove's Expert Panel on Sex Offending
Riddell Advisory Committee on Severe Low Incidence 5,150

From 1 July, this will be a matter for the Scottish Parliament.

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