HL Deb 31 March 1999 vol 599 c54WA
Lord Pearson of Rannoch

asked Her Majesty "s Government:

Further to the Written Answer by the Lord McIntosh of Haringey on 18 January (WA 89–90), what proportion of the 14.4 per cent. of the United Kingdom gross domestic product (GDP) which went to the European Union (EU) continued to a final destination outside the EU, particularly via the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. [HL1734]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the Director of the Office for National Statistics, who has been asked to reply.

Letter to Lord Pearson of Rannoch from the Director of the Office for National Statistics, Tim Holt, dated 31 March 1999.

As Director of the Office for National Statistics (ONS), I have been asked to reply to your recent parliamentary question on gross domestic product (GDP).

The export component of GDP reported as going to the EU does not contain the value of goods which pass in transit through another member state for onward transmission to non-EU countries. These are recorded in UK statistics within the category of exports to non-EU countries.