HC Deb 31 March 1999 vol 328 c733W
Mr. Healey

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if a jobseeker's allowance claimant who has used Employment on Trial but returned to jobseeker's allowance can qualify again for Employment on Trial after 13 weeks of further unemployment; and whether such a claimant would subsequently be eligible for extended payments of housing benefit and council tax benefit. [78727]

Mr. Andrew Smith

Responsibility for the subject of the question has been delegated to the Employment Service agency under its Chief Executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Peter Collins to Mr. John Healey, dated 26 March 1999: As the Employment Service is an Executive Agency, the Secretary of State for Education and Employment has asked Leigh Lewis to reply to your question about eligibility for Employment on Trial and its linked eligibility to extended payments of Housing Benefit and Council Tax benefit. This is something which falls within the responsibilities delegated to Mr. Lewis as Chief Executive of the Agency. I am replying in his absence. It may be helpful if I begin by confirming that Employment on Trial can only be considered when a jobseeker accepts a job having being unemployed for a period of at least 13 weeks. The job must be for at least 16 hours a week and the jobseeker must stay with the employer for at least four weeks, but no more than 12 weeks, to be eligible. Jobseeker's Allowance regulations, can qualify again for Employment on Trial after a further period of 13 weeks unemployment. To be eligible for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit extended payments, the jobseeker must have been continuously registered as unemployed and in receipt of Jobseeker's Allowance for at least 26 weeks before starting work. If someone has a second Employment on Trial period after having been unemployed for the minimum of 13 weeks, they will not have had the period of unemployment of at least 26 weeks which is required to re-qualify for extended benefit payments. In such circumstances, people who do not re-qualify for extended benefits may still be eligible for Housing Benefit and Council Tax reductions. This will depend on the amount of earnings and the individual's personal arrangements. Advice can be sought through the local council offices of Employment Service adviser. I hope this is helpful.

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