HC Deb 30 March 1999 vol 328 c658W
Mr. Curry

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what will be the average annual cost of moving from monthly to weekly and then daily veterinary supervision in a licensed cutting plant handling under five tonnes of meat per week. [78409]

Mr. Rooker

Based on a licensed cutting plant handling under five tonnes of meat per week, with veterinary attendance of one hour per day and weekly working assumed to be five days, the average annual cost of moving from monthly to weekly to daily veterinary supervision will be:

  • Monthly inspection—annual cost (12 hours): £342
  • Weekly inspection—annual cost (52 hours): £1,482
  • Daily inspection—annual cost (260 hours): £7,410.

Mr. Curry

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the average cost of daily veterinary inspections as a percentage of turn-over for the category of plant which handles(a) under five tonnes and (b) between 250 and 5,000 tonnes of meat per week. [78416]

Mr. Rooker

The average annual costs of daily veterinary inspections at these premises will be:

  • Plant handling under five tonnes of meat
    • Annual cost: £7,410
    • (based on supervision of one hour/day)
  • Plant handling between 250 and 5,000 tonnes of meat per week
    • Annual cost: £17,280
    • (based on average supervision of two hours/day).

Information on the turnover of licensed premises is not available I regret that I am therefore unable to provide a percentage of turnover value.

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