HC Deb 25 March 1999 vol 328 cc344-9W
Liz Blackman

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for April and list the major European Union events for the next six months. [79183]

Ms Quin

The information is as follows:

Monthly forecast of business:
April 1999 Venue Event
8 Brussels Political Committee
12–16 Strasbour g European Parliament Plenary
13 Luxembourg Consumer Affairs Council
15–16 Stuttgart Euro-Med Foreign Ministers Conference 'Barcelona III'
16–18 Dresden ECOFIN (Informal)
19–20 Luxembourg Agriculture Council
20 Brussels Political Committee
22 Luxembourg Telecommunications Council
24–25 Luxembourg NATO Summit
26 Luxembourg Political Committee
26–27 Luxembourg General Affairs Council
29 Luxembourg Industry Council
29–30 Brussels K4 Committee

The following subjects are likely to be discussed:

8 April—Brussels—Political Committee

No agenda yet available

12–16 April—Strasbourg—European Parliament Plenary

No agenda yet available

13 April—Luxembourg—Consumer Affairs Council

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the distance marketing of consumer financial services and amending Directives 90/619/EEC, 97/7/EC and 98/2/EC

Policy debate

Communication from the Commission on an action plan (1999–2001) on priorities for consumer policy


Council conclusions

Consumer-policy aspects of the negotiation of insurance contracts in the internal market

Progress report from the Commission

Forthcoming revision of the Directive on general product safety

Progress report from the Commission

Directive on the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees


15–16 April—Stuttgart—Euro-Med Foreign Ministers Conference "Barcelona III"

No agenda yet available

16–18 April—Dresden—ECOFIN (Informal)

No formal agenda

19–20 April—Luxembourg—Agriculture Council

No agenda yet available

20 April—Brussels—Political Committee

No agenda yet available

22 April—Luxembourg—Telecommunications Council

Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on a common framework for electronic signatures

Common position

Commission's Green Paper on the convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technology sectors, and the implications for regulation: Towards an Information Society Approach


Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on postal services

Policy debate

Status of the internal market in telecommunications, with Report on implementation


Globalisation and the Information Society: the need for strengthened international coordination

Update from the Commission relating to developments on electronic commerce

Digital Television

Information from the Presidency

Year 2000 computer problem

Update and possible resolution

24–25 April—Luxembourg—NATO Summit

No agenda yet available

26 April—Luxembourg—Political Committee

No agenda yet available

26–27 April—Luxembourg—General Affairs Council

Issues arising from the Special European Council

Amsterdam Treaty


Common strategies


Europe strategy


Preparation of Association Council


Preparation of Association Council


Preparation of Association Council


Preparation of Cooperation Council

Western Balkans


Preparation of summit (end of April/beginning of May, Beijing)


Extension of common position

Middle East peace process

29 April—Luxembourg—Industry Council

The economic situation

Information from the Commission on economic developments Globalisation of the world economy

Commission communication

Policy debate

Competitiveness of European industry

(a) Benchmarking

Reports on benchmarking activities at the levels of framework conditions, sectors and enterprises


(b) Ongoing debate on competitiveness

Information on industrial aspects of related work in other Councils

Report by the Presidency

(c) Industrial aspects of enlargement

Information from the Commission


(a) Proposal for a Council Directive combating late payment in commercial transactions

Common position

(b) Commission communication on management training

Presentation by the Commission

(c) Follow-up Business Environment

Simplification Taskforce (BEST)


Communication on tourism and employment

Presentation by the Commission


Situation of the shipbuilding industry

Information from the Commission

Coal and steel industry

Expiry of the ECSC Treaty

Financial aspects

New Regulations on State aid for steel


Industrial aspects of electronic commerce

Commission Communication

Presentation by the Commission

Sectoral issues

OETH assessment and recommendations for its future


Competition policy

(a) Commission communication on the application of the EU competitiveness rules to vertical restrictions: follow-up to the green book on vertical restrictions

Political agreement

(b) Report from the Commission on modernising competition rules

Information from the Commission

29–30 April—Brussels—K4 Committee

No agenda yet available

European Calendar: April-September 1999

This calendar is primarily concerned with European Union matters, but certain other relevant events are also included. Events and dates quoted are based on the information available on the date of issue.

Venue Event
April 1999
8 Brussels Political Committee
12–16 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
13 Luxembourg Consumer Affairs Council
15–16 Stuttgart Euro-Med Foreign Ministers Conference 'Barcelona III'
16–18 Dresden ECOFIN (Informal)
19–20 Luxembourg Agriculture Council
20 Brussels Political Committee
22 Luxembourg Telecommunications Council
24–25 Luxembourg NATO Summit
26 Luxembourg Political Committee
26–27 Luxembourg General Affairs Council
29 Luxembourg Industry Council
29–30 Brussels K4 Committee
May 1999
3–7 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
6–7 Berlin Political committee
6 Brussels EU-ACP Ministerial meeting
7–9 Weimar Environment Ministers (Informal)
10 Brussels ECOFIN
10 Bremen WEU Council
10–11 Berlin Trade Ministers (Informal)
11 Brussels Energy Council
17 Brussels K4 Committee
17 Brussels Political Committee
17–18 Brussels General Affairs Council
17–18 Brussels Agriculture Council
18 Brussels EEA Council
18 Brussels Co-Operation Council with Russia
18–19 Weimar Culture Ministers (Informal)
20 Brussels Research Council
21 Brussels Development Council
25 Brussels Joint ECOFIN and Labour and Social Affairs Council
25 Brussels Social Affairs Council
25 Brussels Political Committee
27 Brussels Youth Council
27–28 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
31 Brussels General Affairs Council
30 May–1 June Dresden Agriculture Ministers (Informal)
June 1999
1 Dresden Agriculture Ministers (Informal)
3–4 Cologne European Council
7 Luxembourg Education Council
8 Luxembourg Health Council
10 Brussels Political Committee
10 Luxembourg Fisheries Council
10–13 European Parliament Elections
14 Luxembourg ECOFIN (possible)
14–15 Luxembourg Agriculture Council
14–15 Brussels K4 Committee
17 Bonn EU-Japan Summit
17–18 Luxembourg Transport Council
21 Luxembourg Internal Market
21 Bonn EU-USA/Canada Summit
21–22 Luxembourg General Affairs Council
22 Luxembourg Labour and Social Affairs Council (possible)
24–25 Luxembourg Environment Council
25–29 Rio de Janeiro EU-Latin America/Caribbean Summit
28 Luxembourg Culture Council
29 Brussels Political Committee (possible)
July 1999
2–3 Oulu Industry and Research Ministers (Informal)
6–7 Savonlinna Culture Ministers
8 Hameenlinna Political Committee
9–10 Oulu Labour/Social Affairs Ministers (Informal)
12 Brussels ECOFIN
12 Brussels Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Committee
16 Brussels Budget
18–20 Savonlinna Culture/Audiovisual Ministers (Informal)
19 Brussels Political Committee
19–20 Brussels General Affairs Council
Venue Event
19–20 Brussels Agriculture Council
20–23 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
22–23 Helsinki K4 Committee
23–25 Helsinki Environment Ministers (Informal)
August 1999
No Council Business
September 1999
1 Brussels Political Committee
4–5 Saariselka Foreign Ministers (Informal)
6–7 Brussels Agriculture Standing Committee
9–10 Turku K4 Committee
10–12 Turku ECOFIN (Informal)
12–14 Tampere Agriculture Ministers (Informal)
13 Brussels Political Committee (Informal)
13–14 Brussels General Affairs Committee
13–17 Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary
16–17 Kittila Article 113 Committee
16–17 Turku Justice and Home Affairs (Informal)
20 Brussels Political Committee (Possible)
20–21 Brussels Agriculture Standing Committee
23 Brussels Telecommunications
24 Brussels K4 Committee (Informal)
24–25 Tampere Education Committee (Informal)
27–28 Kuopio Ministers of Housing
27–28 Brussels Agriculture Ministers
30 Brussels Political Committee
30 Helsinki Equality Conference