HL Deb 17 March 1999 vol 598 cc101-2WA
Lord Jopling

asked the Leader of the House:

On how many occasions over each of the last 20 years back-bench Motions debated on a Wednesday have been voted on. [HL1459]

Baroness Jay of Paddington

There has only been one example, over the last 20 years, when a Motion moved by a back-bencher on a Wednesday has been divided on:

  • 9 February 1983
  • Motion by Lord Shackleton to note with regret the Government's decisions on Ordnance Survey.

In addition, the following other Motions for debates have been divided on, on Wednesdays since 1979:

  • 16 April 1980
  • Motion by Lord Peart to deplore the Government's Domestic Policies
  • 9 March 1983
  • Motion by Lord Wells-Pestell to deplore the Government's Social and Economic Policies
  • 12 December 1984
  • Motion by Lord Cledwyn of Penrhos on Unemployment
  • 18 December 1991
  • Motion by Lord Waddington to resolve on Maastricht Agreement
  • 1 December 1993
  • Motion by Lord Richard to resolve no confidence in Government Policies
  • 31 March 1993
  • Motion by Lord Richard to deplore Government's White Paper on Coal Industry
  • 5 February 1997
  • Motion by Lord Jenkins of Hillhead to resolve on Party Political Funding.