HC Deb 12 March 1999 vol 327 cc401-3W
Dr. Tony Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will publish a list of (1) task forces and (2) policy reviews established by his Department since May 1997 which(a) had external members recruited by way of public advertisement, and details of any person so appointed and (b) engaged in public consultation exercises, and the form that these took. [74464]

Mr. Byers

None of the external members of task forces and review bodies established by my Department since 1 May 1997 were recruited by way of public advertisement. Most task forces and reviews are short-term bodies established to give thorough consideration to particular issues. External members are invited to sit on some reviews and task forces because they are able to contribute specific experience and expertise. In such cases, public advertising would be inappropriate and disproportionate. Since 1 October 1998, appointments to those task forces which qualify for classification as advisory non-departmental public bodies have come within the remit of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Details of public consultation carried out by task forces and reviews established since 1 May 1997 are set out in the table.

Review/task force Public consultation
Review of Utilities Regulation Published the Green Paper A Fair Deal for Consumers: Modernising the Framework of Utility Regulation (March 1998) and two further consultation documents: A Fair Deal for Consumers: Modernising the Framework of Utility Regulation—Public Consultation Paper on Consumer Councils (September 1998) and A Fair Deal for Consumers: Modernising the Framework of Utility Regulation—Public Consultation Paper on the future of gas and electricity regulation (October 1998)
Review of energy sources for power regeneration The terms of reference for the Review were announced on 22 December 1997, and a general invitation was made for interested parties to submit representations. Proposals for reform were issued for consultation on 25 June 1998. The consultation document was sent to all those who had replied to the first invitation to make representations, those with outstanding power station consent applications, and to any other organisation or person that requested a copy. It was also published on the Internet.
Review of the Post Office Following announcement of the review in May 1997 discussions were held with Post Office senior management, the Post Office unions, the Post Office Users' National Council and other interested parties. A summary of the main points arising from these consultations were included in the Government's response to the Trade and Industry Select Committee's Report on the Post Office (response published in April 1998), since which time there has been further consultations with these parties as part of the next stage of the review.
Review of the Technical Help for Exporters Scheme Views were sought from interested parties by means of a questionnaire issued in November and December 1997.
Review of Company Law Published two consultation documents; Modern Company Law for a Competitive Economy (March 1998) and Modern Company Law: The Strategic Framework (February 1999).
Review of Assisted Areas Published consultation document: Review of Assisted Areas Map (July 1998).
Oil and Gas Industry Task Force Letters were sent to industry stakeholders and a dedicated website set up specifically inviting contributions.
Review of the framework for overseeing developments in biotechnology (joint Office of Science and Technology/Cabinet Office review) Consultation paper issued following framework for overseeing 17 December 1998.
Review of new and renewable energy A consultation document is expected to be published shortly.

Review/task force Public consultation
Review of electricity trading arrangements OFFER issued an initial consultation paper in November 1997 inviting views, which were taken into account when drawing up the proposed terms of reference. These terms of reference were in turn published for consultation in January 1998. Working papers were published and discussed at a two-day seminar in April 1998. OFFER published the interim conclusions in June 1998 which were discussed at a further seminar and on which written comments were also invited. The final conclusions were published in July 1998.