HC Deb 09 March 1999 vol 327 cc176-7W
Mr. Livsey

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will place in the Library figures for(a) each health authority, (b) each region and (c) Wales as a whole, of the number of operations cancelled on the day of, or the day after, admission to a hospital, and the numbers of those patients not readmitted within a month, by quarter for the last two years. [74380]

Mr. Jon Owen Jones

Information on the number of operations cancelled on the day of, or the day after, admission to a hospital is not collected centrally. Data are collected on the numbers of patients who were not re-admitted within a month of a cancelled operation, by NHS Trust, and these are shown in the following table.

Patients not re-admitted within one month of having an operation cancelled
Quarter ending
NHS trust March 1997 June 1997 September 1997 December 1997 March 1998 June 1998 September 1998 December 1998
Nevill Hall and District 2 7 21 8 1 2
North Glamorgan 1 2 2 2
Pembrokeshire and Derwen 2 1
Powys Health Care
Rhondda Health Care
University Dental Hospital
University Hospital of Wales 170 44 83 51 113 108 151 25
Healthcare Velindre
Wrexham Maelor Hospital 12 4 18 22 7 14
Wales 413 70 127 94 178 177 216 71

Following the transfer of functions, this issue will be a matter for the National Assembly.

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