HL Deb 30 June 1999 vol 603 c43WA
Lord Mackay of Drumadoon

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they can confirm that, as stated on 9 June by the First Minister of the Scottish Executive, the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill will be reintroduced in the House of Commons in the next Session of Parliament and that the Bill, once enacted, would apply to Scotland although the subject matter of the Bill is a devolved matter; and, if so, why they will not allow the Scottish Parliament to enact its own legislation in this area. [HL3169]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

As the Scottish First Minister indicated in his statement to the Scottish Parliament of 9 June, we are considering the reintroduction of the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill and the use of the Parliament Acts if necessary to secure its passage. The First Minister made it clear that, while he and his colleagues in the Scottish Executive regard this as unfinished Westminster business, the Scottish Parliament will have the opportunity to debate the Scottish provisions of the Bill. He also made it clear that the Scottish Parliament has the power, if it so wishes, to amend or repeal any Scottish provision enacted by the passage of the Bill.