HC Deb 28 June 1999 vol 334 cc34-7W
Dr. Kumar

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will publish a breakdown of(a) the current emission levels and (b) the estimated emission levels following the introduction of the climate change levy by industrial sector; and if he will make a statement. [88300]

Mr. Battle

The following table showing 1997 emissions of greenhouse gases by source was published by the Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions on 13 May 1999. Emission levels by industry following the introduction of the climate change levy will depend upon the structure and rate of the levy. However, in total the levy is expected to save around 1.5 million tonnes of carbon a year by 2010 thereby making a significant contribution to meeting both the legally binding target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions set under the Kyoto protocol and the Government's domestic goal of a 20 per cent. reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2010.

Summary report of UK greenhouse gas inventory in 1997, by IPCC source categories—United Kingdom
Thousand tonnes
CO2 emissions CO2 removals 1 CH4 N2O NOx CO NMVOC SO2 HFC PFC SF6
Greenhouse gas source and sink categories (CO2 equivalent)2
All energy (fuel combustion + fugitive) 528,775 862 23.3 1,827 4,701 1,138 1,644
Fuel combustion 520,944 94 23.2 1,823 4,676 748 1,632
Energy industries3 184,615 20 6.7 468 95 10 1,213
Manufacturing industries and construction4,5,6 914,401 13 3.1 214 428 27 242
Transport 123,756 21 11.8 965 3,818 647 54
Other sources5,7,8 118,205 40 1.6 142 330 63 114
Other8,9 2,967 0.1 35 5 1 8
Fugitive emissions from fuels 7,832 768 4 25 390 12
Solid fuels10 1,566 327 4 6 5
Oil and natural gas3 6,265 441 4 21 384 7
Industrial processes4 11,839 1 69.4 5 385 223 16 3.067 0.095 0.053
Mineral products 9,531 8
Chemical industry6 814 69.3 2 113 11
Metal production4 1,495 1 3 385 2 5 0.035 0.030
Other production 100
Production of halocarbons and SF6 1.350 0.001
Consumption of halocarbons and SF611 1.717 0.060 0.023
Solvent and other product use 582
Agriculture 1,004 98.9
Enteric fermentation12 893
Manure management12 111 5.0
Agricultural soils 93.9
Land use change and forestry 27,075 11,557
Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks13 10,457
Forest and grassland conversion. Abandonment of managed lands. CO2 emissions and removals from soil14 23,409
Other15 3,667 1,100
Waste 29 861 0.5 1 8
Solid waste disposal on land16 826 8
Wastewater treatment16 35 0.5
Waste incineration 29 1
Total national emissions and removals -567,719 1,557 2,727 192.0 1,832 5,088 1,951 1,660 3.067 0.095 0.053
CO2 emissions from biomass17,18 5,749
International bunkers19 30,262 5 1.2 258 103 56 124
1 Removals of CO2 reported as negative.
2 To express in terms of weight of carbon emitted the figures for emissions and removals of CO2 should be multiplied by 12–44.
3 Includes emissions from own-energy gas use on offshore installations.
4 Combustion emissions of CO2 from iron and steel are included in "manufacturing industries and construction". Process emissions from the iron and steel industry are included in "metal production". Limestone use in the iron and steel industry is classified under "mineral products".
5 Emissions from off-road vehicles are reported under "manufacturing industries and construction" and "other sectors".
6 The emissions of CO2 from ammonia manufacture are reported under "chemical industry".
7 Small combustion sources including residential, commercial and institutional sectors.
8 Emissions from stationary combustion at military installations are reported under "other sectors".
9 Naval vessels and military aircraft.
10 Fugitive emissions of CO2 from coke ovens and patent fuel production are calculated according to a carbon balance on the coal consumed and the coke, patent fuel, blast furnace gas and coke oven gas produced. Emissions from flaring of coke oven gas are also included.
11 Emissions arise from refrigeration, electronics applications, electrical insulation, foams, aerosols and training shoes.
12 Emissions from cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, farmed deer and poultry.
13 Removals include removals to forest soil and litter (-2,151 Gg CO2) and to forest products (-1,111 Gg CO2).
14 Emissions include removals to soils from set aside of arable land and emissions from soils from liming. CO2 emissions arise from limestone and dolomite use.
15 Emissions include emissions from soils as a result of upland drainage (1,467 Gg CO2), lowland drainage (1,467 Gg CO2) and peat extraction (733 Gg CO2). Removals are increases in crop biomass. CO2 removal from salt marshes is no longer reported because it is considered anthropogenic.
16 Sewage sludge disposed of by landfill is included under "solid waste disposal on land".
17 Emissions arise from wood, straw, biogases and poultry litter combustion for energy production.
18 CO2 emissions are given for information only and are not included in totals.
19 Emissions are given for information only and are not included in totals.
