- Families (Support) 237 words c457W
- English Wine (Duty) 50 words cc457-8W
- EU Withholding Tax 233 words c458W
- Public Service Agreements 57 words c458W
- Single Currency (Convergence Criteria) 110 words c458W
- Working Families Tax Credit 167 words cc458-9W
- Third-world Debt 96 words c459W
- Pensioners (Taxation) 48 words c459W
- VAT (Service Industries) 73 words c459W
- Housebuilding (Brown-field Sites) 110 words c459W
- Gold Reserves 75 words c460W
- Economic and Monetary Union 245 words c460W
- Income Tax (Self-assessment) 223 words c461W
- Kosovo (Cost) 131 words c461W
- Taxation 42 words c461W
- Landfill Tax 53 words cc461-2W
- Climate Change Levy 388 words c462W
- Economic Stability 78 words c462W
- Tax Hypothecation 46 words cc462-3W
- Capital Controls 166 words c463W
- World Bank (Social Principles) 266 words c463W
- Individual Savings Accounts 69 words cc463-4W
- Special Advisers 148 words c464W
- Insurance Companies (Regulation) 127 words c464W
- Employment Rate (Shrewsbury and Atcham) 175 words c465W
- EU Tax Reform (Joint Working Group) 104 words cc465-6W
- Private Finance Initiative 68 words c466W
- Pensioner Incomes 119 words