HL Deb 08 June 1999 vol 601 cc152-4WA
The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What were the total (a) salary costs, (b) social security costs and (c) administrative costs, including in-service training of inspectors, specifically incurred in the last financial year by the Meat Hygiene Service in carrying out controls and inspections required by European Union Directives. [HL2707]

Lord Donoughue

The total costs specifically incurred by Meat Hygiene Inspectors of the Meat Hygiene Service during 1998–99 in carrying out the particular controls and inspections relating to this grade as required by European Union Directives are as follows:

Salary costs 17,126
Employers' national insurance costs 1,199
Administrative costs 4,800

These figures should be regarded as estimates as the MHS Accounts for 1998–99 are still subject to audit by the National Audit Office.

The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the total income derived from charges to abattoirs and meat cutting plants by the Meat Hygiene Service during the last financial year. [HL2708]

Lord Donoughue

The total income incurred from slaughterhouses and cutting plants for the inspection service provided by the Meat Hygiene Service during 1998–99 is estimated at £34 million.

This figure is still regarded as an estimate as the MHS Accounts for 1998–99 are still subject to audit by the National Audit Office.

The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many hours were worked in total in the last financial year by directly employed Official Veterinary Surgeons in abattoirs and meat cutting plants, as required by European Union Directive 91/497; what were the total salaries including bonuses and social security costs attributable to their inspection duties; and what were the charges levied in respect of those inspections on the abattoirs and meat cutting plants in which these Official Veterinary Surgeons were employed. [HL2709]

Lord Donoughue

European Directive 91/497/EEC amended and updated Directive 64/433/EEC on health conditions for the production and marketing of fresh red meat. The total number of hours, as required by the aforementioned Directive, worked by Official Veterinary Surgeons (OVSs) directly employed by the Meat Hygiene Service in licensed slaughterhouses and cutting plants during 1998–99 was 13,110.

The total salary costs attributable to such inspection duties by directly employed OVSs in these premises were £340,000.

The charges levied on slaughterhouses and cutting plants in respect of these inspection duties by directly employed OVSs were £406,000.

These figures should be regarded as estimates as the MHS Accounts for 1998–99 are still subject to audit by the National Audit Office.

The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What percentage of the individuals and organisations who were sent the consultation document dated 7 May, on charging for Meat Hygiene Service inspections, returned their comments by noon on 17 May. [HL2587]

Lord Donoughue

Of the 75 individuals and organisations in Great Britain who were sent the document, 20 returned their comments by noon on 17 May. This represents 27 per cent. of those consulted and 49 per cent. of those who have replied as at 26 May.

The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the British Veterinary Association and the Meat Hygiene Service officials' organisation have been asked for their response to the questions on the Meat Hygiene Service consultation document of 7 May; and, if so, whether their responses will be made available on the same basis as those of the other individuals and organisations consulted. [HL2588]

Lord Donoughue


The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why the list of individuals and organisations consulted by the Meat Hygiene Service on the document of 7 May was not the same as that sent out at the time of the original consultation; and whether provision will be made for those who have not been consulted, and who wish to contribute, to do so. [HL2589]

Lord Donoughue

The initial list of consultees comprised the members of the MHS Industry Forum and others with the most obvious direct interest in the document. A subsequent list comprised all those others who had responded to the earlier formal consultation on charges for enforcement of controls on specified risk material. In addition, the consultation was announced by press release and the document placed on the MAFF internet site with responses invited from any other interested bodies or individuals who wished to contribute. We will endeavour to take account of all responses received after the due date.