HC Deb 27 July 1999 vol 336 cc341-3W
Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what the experience and qualifications of Dr. Joan Firth are to carry out the role of independent assessor in the appointment of the Board of the North West Regional Development Agency. [93232]

Mr. Meale

Dr. Joan Firth, a former Grade 3, Deputy Director of Finance, in the Department of Health, was acting chair of Bradford NHS Trust at the time she acted as independent assessor in the appointment of the Board of the North West Regional Development Agency. She had had recent experience of appointing NHS Board Members in the North East.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if officers of the North West Regional Development Agency have discussed with board member the merit of projects and bids supported by that Agency where a board member has had what subsequently turned out to be a conflict of interest. [93446]

Mr. Meale

There is no record of any such discussions taking place.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions how many premises are owned by the North West Regional Development Agency on the Lakeland Business Park at Cockermouth; what is the total rent received per annum; and what is the total square footage. [93224]

Mr. Meale

There are seven premises (blocks) which are sub-divided into units and let to the list of tenants which is given in another answer to my hon. Friend today at columns 342-44.

Area (sq. ft.) Rent (principal) (£)
Block 1 5,135 NWDA
Block 2 4,459 20,025
Block 3 5,630 22,750
Block 4 4,816 19,521
Block 5 4,769 20,111
Block 6 4,885 9,616
Block 7 7,946 51,451
Total 37,640 143,474

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if, in the consideration of business by the North West Regional Development Agency, members of the board decided for themselves whether a conflict of interest exists. [93444]

Mr. Meale

In accordance with the North West Development Regional Agency Standing Orders, Board Members determine if they have an interest in any particular matter and declare it accordingly.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if the North West Regional Development Agency is supporting commercial developments in the North West of England which are in any way linked to the business interests of members of the North West Development Agency; and what is the value in pounds sterling of the support being provided in each case. [93442]

Mr. Meale

The North West Regional Development Agency inherited from English Partnerships a project under which Westmorland Motorway Services Limited are receiving a grant of £947,920 towards the Hills of the North Project.

Mr. John Dunning is the member with business interest linked to this project.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if, in the consideration of the SRB bids, any members of the board of the North West Regional Development Agency were required or offered to stand aside on the basis of conflict of interest. [93443]

Mr. Meale

When the North West Regional Development Board was discussing the proposed SRB bids, Members with an interest in any particular bid left the meeting prior to it being discussed. Each Board meeting agenda contains a reminder to this effect.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will publish the register of interests applicable in the case of the North West Regional Development Agency. [93228]

Mr. Meale

The Register of Members Interests is available for inspection at the Headquarters in Warrington and will be published in the North West Regional Development Agency's Annual Report.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions how many visits overseas have been made by officers of the North West Regional Development Agency since the establishment of the Agency; to which countries; and at what cost to the taxpayer. [93227]

Mr. Meale

Since 1 April 1999 there have been 10 overseas visits made by officers of the North West Regional Development Agency. The countries visited were: Belgium, Japan, Ireland, Austria, Germany, France, U.S.A. The cost of these visits totals £4,381.50.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1) if he will permit access by hon. Members to the data held by the Government Office of the North-West relating to nomination to the Board of the North West Regional Development Agency; [93229]

(2) if he will list the persons Dr. Joan Firth interviewed for possible appointment to the Board of the North West Regional Development Agency. [93233]

Mr. Meale

Details of the appointees to the North West Regional Development Agency were made public in the press notice at the time of their appointment, in line with the Office for the Commissioner for Public Appointments', in line with the Office for the Commissioner for Public Appointments' guidelines. However, under exemption 8b (Public Employments, Public Appointments and Honours) of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, details of the other candidates cannot be released for reasons of confidentiality. This also applies to the details of those nominated by outside bodies.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions how many visits overseas have been made by board members of the North West Regional Development Agency since the establishment of the Agency; to which countries; and at what cost to the taxpayer. [93226]

Mr. Meale

The Chairman of the Board has made two overseas visits. They were to Japan (cost £3,573) and Brussels (£639).

Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions on what dates since the appointment of officers to the Shadow North West Regional Development Agency and since the formal establishment of the North West Regional Development Agency, officers of the Agency have met members of Cumbria Tourist Board. [93445]

Mr. Meale

Since the North West Regional Development Agency was established in December 1998 there have been no formal meetings between officers of the Agency and members of the Cumbria Tourist Board in their capacity as members of the Board.